Saturday, 12 September 2015

the story of wawan

CeritakuI Wawan, a native son of Padang Japang. I was born here 18 years ago when my country Indonesia was raging. Monetary crisis and a succession of governments welcomed the birth into this world. My mother was a graduate education at the Islamic Institute of Imam Bonjol Negri (IAIN IB) Padang while my father just graduated Aliah Madrasah Negri (MAN) Hall Bancah or now more commonly known as MAN Model Bukittinggi. Amid the ongoing crisis hoopla and my mother took me to the city of Padang profit oppose the rigors of life while striving to utilize S1 her he had obtained with great difficulty over four years. But it is so far only a dream for him because when I was five years old, she should return home and leave all the dreams and ideals of having to take care of my grandmother fell ill until his death. During the years I lived with my father in Padang while completing education in kindergarten Raudathul Alfa Hanifa New Hall.After completing his education in kindergarten father decided to move to my hometown total and left his job as a mechanic. Since that time I lived in the family home in the wake grandmother after my grandfather died. Here in Padang Japang I started primary school education at an elementary school named SDN 02 VII Koto Talago the meaning of the word "VII Koto Talago" alone did I know that means after the third grade. During one year I I hardly have any friends because I am relatively new to the temanku.Walupun friends I have attempted to get along with them, but the language and dress slacks that I always use is offensive to them. It made me learn that if they want to be accepted by them I have to eliminate the things that make me different from them. First of all, I change clothes trousers to shorts because at that time elementary school students (SD) should wear shorts. It was not too influential because that is a major problem in the association, but language, as a result I became quiet and after school just sit at home while my friends had wandered to and fro. Although in kalanagan friends I do not really get anywhere else as hand majlis teachers, for them I belong favorite son because since the first grade I always got the first prize in the class. The second year is the year in which so much fun for me because a friend of a friend can be accepted in their associations plus more eloquently I spoke with spelling paddock japing that berdialek -ea. In the school yard now I have had friends to play at home but I still can not get along with their average because my friends are good at cycling and they often play around kuliling with his bike while I could just stay at home because I'm not good at cycling. After learning the bike with Zaki who is a friend and neighbor finally I can ride in the fourth grade, and I spent a childhood growing up in Padang Japang with jokes, laughter, and joy.Six years unknowingly have I lalaui at SDN 02 VII Koto Talago and now I was in the sixth grade elementary school is the highest level in elementary school. For six years it has also been widely reaped good achievements in the field of academic and non-academic. The last achievement I ukirkan to SDN 02 VII Koto Talago is mathematics competition PASAID boast levels. But like two sides of a coin, with all these achievements there are friends who love me and some are not happy with it because it was unrivaled, it is still noticeably weaker beberaa envy of my friends are. Amazingly I was accustomed themselves to such situations and words that filled my head when faced with such a situation is "whatever"Now the child's childhood is over, I will be ready with all the possibilities that will occur in the life of a teenager. Initially it was difficult when I was sitting in class VII MTs, I was influenced by my new harsh environment, and I became known for the first three months I've had to call twice to rooms counseling teachers (BK). This is certainly due to my behavior. Although I am a student belonging to the recalcitrant students, but my performance did not decline from the previous, because I immediately became the overall champion since class VII and the achievements that I managed to keep until I was sitting in class XII. After rising class I tried to leave bad habits by joining one of the football clubs target youth villages, SSB P3 Fc and I also active in youth associations. Here I cultivate non-academic achievement and also to gain experience in organization. In 2011 I was with the club P3D Fc finish in the top three youth league and I was chosen as a messenger of branch quarter 07 Fifty Cities to follow the activities of the National Jamboree IX in Palembang which was held dated July 2 to 9, 2011. Since that time I did not again called to the office because kebandelanku but because feat that I accomplished. Three years have passed already completed the National Examination and Alhamdulillah I scored quite satisfactory. With these achievements I was offered by the head of Aliah Madrasa Darul Fonun to continue his studies there. I will accept it.During the study in Aliah Madrasa Darul Fonun I was not too changed from the previous level. Beginning in the tenth grade, I was classified as an ambitious student. The proof is when the competition is held Madrasah Science Competition I insisted to participate even though 80% of the panel of teachers laughed at him. I was determined to make teacher teacher menetawakanku be silent. At that time I took a mathematic and Thank God I escaped to the provincial level. I am very happy because managed to make teachers condescending silence. At the provincial level I just won second with a difference of 3 points championship points first. But I remain grateful. The next year I was student of class XI-science which is the first generation in Aliah Madrasa Darul Fonun. Because the majors IPA is a new department of learning facilities such as labs incomplete even teachers who teach there MTs level teachers who dirangkapkan to MA level. As a result of our difficulty in learning, especially in the subjects of biology. During mid term exam I Sempai surprised to see the value of biology that did not reach the target, with great difficulty, I learned with the other school students and Alhamdulillah I can fix any semester exams but I fail to fix the value of the chemical.Entering the second half of XI class selection level KSM kabuapaten reopened. This time I intend to follow the subject areas of physics, but at the suggestion of the principal I finally followed the mathematic and aaku back pass to the province after defeating foes at the district level. Indeed spinning wheel, that's what I feel when the race KSM at the provincial level in 2014. I failed to maintain last year's second place and only managed to gain third place. Disappointed and proud churned in my chest, principal and guidance counselor. Disappointed because it failed to qualify for the national level last year almost proud that I can and have managed to carve a remarkable achievement for the school, because during this time never once Aliah Madrasa Darul Fonun send their students to follow the race KSM provincial level.Now that the excitement was over because I was sitting in class XII - IPA which is a determinant way. Where will I navigate myself one day after graduating Madrasah religious high level. Not easy to make decisions for me, because I was the first child and also the first grandchild in the family. Which will guide the younger sister. After asking for input from all members of the family and those closest I rounded that I would become an educator. This is because I decided to be a teacher who teaches good things and handy later after I died I would still get an additional reward balance of science that I teach. On the boat I wanted to continue her future goals are hampered emergency. And I hope it can be realized. Amen