expertise of each, winner 1 geographer, 2 sociology, economics 3, 4 math, history 5, 6 quran hadith, tafsir 7, 8 B. English, 9 B Arab, 10 Hadith. They both have always got rank 11 in his class last alias.

Furthermore Toto challenge champion children 8 yet still challenging ank champion Popo 10. Toto still lost while Popo sdah meimbangi ank value 10 champion.
so it goes, when Toto has opposed champion child first with results never win new Popo until challenged children 8 champion with a record 2 times menag, 2 draws and 6 defeats.
After that they are equally facing Bk teachers and tell them the results. Toto never complain with the results of victory. Bk teacher then asked him, why do you ill cba challenging the same person a second time as Popo? toto replied "I tdak going in the same hole for the second time buk"
BK teacher then asked Popo. "You do not swap nukar kenpa opponent like Toto?" "If I swap my opponent nukar with results never penang mean I only want in pecundangi, now I've managed to beat 2 peringkt on top of me ', then I am no longer the final rankings right Mom? "
Bk teacher just smiled, while the silent toto because felt he was a loser.
Read the reading is not his !!!