PHYSICAL FITNESS• Definition of Physical FitnessPhysical fitness is the ability and the body's ability to make an
adjustment (adaptation) to the physical improvements given to him (of
work done daily) without causing excessive fatigue which means someone
who has a good physical condition, then that person will appear.An
increase in the ability of the heart and circulatory system, an
increase in strength, flexibility, stamina, speed, and others which are
components of physical condition. Economy better movement than at the time of exercise, a faster recovery in the organs of the body after exercise. A quick response from our organs any time if necessary.
• Elements of Physical FitnessIn
the development of physical condition to improve physical fitness, we
need to know the physical fitness of the elements that need to be
trained. The
elements include physical fitness: strength, muscle endurance of heart
and lungs, agility, explosive power (power), and flexibility. The elements of physical fitness can be dilati form: circuit training, interval training, kalestenik, jogging, and aerobics.• Benefits of Physical Fitness ExerciseThe benefits of physical fitness exercises regularly and correctly within a sufficient period are as follows:• Maintaining and improving physical fitness is good.• Hold the correction of errors attitude and motion.• Establish an attitude and motion.• Establish a physical condition (muscle strength, agility, endurance, keluesan, and speed).• Establish various mental attitude (form of courage, confidence and readiness, as well as the ability to work together.• Provide incentives for the growth of the body, especially for children.• Cultivate a sense of responsibility towards themselves and the public health.
Forms of physical fitness exercises are as follows:• Strength training arm muscles, namely:1) Squat resting on the palm of the handHow to perform:• At nula bada stance squat, legs slightly meetings, both hands
straight in between the thighs closer to your knees and palms open, and
rested on the floor.• Then touch the thigh to the inside of the elbow close to hand.• Then lift both legs up slowly up off of the floor. Elbow can serve as a drag on the thighs.• This attitude dipertahakan for 5-8 sec.2) Exercise push-ups, how:• At first sleep on my stomach, legs straight behind sealed and toes resting on the floor.• Then, lift your body up until your hands straight. Body and legs are in a straight line.• Then the agency lowered back to the road bend both elbows, the
Agency and both legs remain straight and do not touch the floor.• This movement is carried out repeatedly for 15-30 sec.• Abdominal Muscle Strength TrainingForm of abdominal exercises are:1) Sit up, do this:• At first sleep on your back, knees bent, and hands placed on the back of the head.• Then the body lifted up to a sitting position. But both hands remain on the back of the head.• This movement is done as much 15-30 sec, and can be done by a friend.• Muscle Strength Latiahan Squad1) Back Lift, how:• At first sleep on your stomach, feet together and hands held behind his head.• Then, lift the body so that the chest does not touch the floor. So that the position of the feet still touch the floor, hold the foot bias held by friends and can also not be in the grasp.• The movement is done repeatedly during 15-30dtl.
Strength training arm and shoulder strength training form the arm and shoulder, the wheelbarrow. How to do it:
1) This exercise is done in pairs, one person doing the walk with his
hand and helps hold / lift both legs of people who do exercise.2) This exercise is to be repeated alternately, mileage goes with the hands approximately 10-20 m.
Sunday, 24 August 2014
Wednesday, 13 August 2014
Surat kelakuan baik ( SKCK )
Nomor : /MA/ DFA/PJ/IV/2015
Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini adalah
Kepala Madrasah Tsanawiyah Darul Funun El Abbasiyah Padang Japang Kec. Guguak
Kab. Lima Puluh Kota menerangkan :
Nama : Rizki Zakwandi
NIS : 12449
NISN : 9972354463
Tempat/ Tgl Lahir : Padang Japang/ 9 Juli 1997
Asal Sekolah : MA
Darul Funun El Abbasiyah Padang Japang
Alamat : Ampang Gadang
Adalah benar santri Madrasah Aliah
Darul Funun El Abbasiyah Padang Japang, dan menurut pengamatan kami selama
belajar di Madrasah Aliah Darul Funun El Abbasiyah Padang Japang adalah
Demikianlah surat Keterangan ini kami
buat untuk dapat di pergunakan seperlunya.
Japang, 11 April 2014
contoh proposal beasiswa ke DPRD
1. Pendahuluan
pujisyukursayakepada Allah SWT yang
Islam NegriSunanGunungDjati.
Shalawat dan salam
teruntuk insan yang paling mulia, tauladan bagi seluruh umat manusia,
habibullah Muhammad SAW, juga keluarga dan para sahabat beliau serta para
pengikut sunnah beliau sampai akhir zaman.
SelanjutnyaTerima Kasih kepada orang tua pemohon yang telah yang telah
berjuang membiayai sekolah pemohon
sampai sekarang, dan inilah dorongan hati pemohon untuk mengajukan proposal
bantuan biaya pendidikan untuk membantu mengurangi beban yang orang tua pemohon
pikul. Harapan beliau, pemohon bisa menyelesaikan sekolah tepat waktu dengan
nilai yang memuaskan. Agar pemohon bisa merobah nasib kehiupan keluarga kelak.
2. DasarPemikiran
Sebagai dasar
pemikiran dalam pengajuan proposal ini adalah :
1. Pemohon
sangat membutuhkan biaya pendidikan untuk biaya sekolah.
2. Biaya
pendidikan yang semakin meningkat dan kebutuhan fasilitas pendidikan yang
semakin meningkat tiap tahunnya.
3. Memaksimalkan
prestasi akademis dengan adanya bantuan biaya pendidikan ini.
4. Pemohon
merupakan genersi muda dari Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota yang berprestasi dan
perlu di fasilitasi dalam menghadapi otonomi daerah.
5. Salah satu
upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas SDM mahasiswa Kabupaten Lima Puluh Kota.
3. Tujuan Proposal
Tujuanutamapemohondalammengajukan proposal
yang akanpemohonbayarkanpadatanggal 10 juni 2015
4. InstitusiPerkuliahan
Alhamdulillah saatinipemohontelahditerima
di Universitas Islam NegriSunanGunungDjatijurusantadrisfisika program strata 1
( S1 ) melaluijalur SPAN-PTKIN ( Undangan ) danakanmembayaruangpendaftaranulangpadangtanggal
10 juni 2015 mendatang.
Dengantidakmengurangi rasa
Nama : RizkiZakwandi
TempatLahir : Padang Japang
TanggalLahir : 9 Juli 1997
Alamat : Padang Japang
5. RincianAnggaranBiaya
Adapunrinciananggaranbiaya yang pemohonajukandalam
proposal inisebagaimanaberikut
Rp 1.637.000
Biayatransportasike UIN Bandung
Rp 1.000.000
Jumlah Rp
:DuaJutaenamratustigapuluhtujuhribu rupiah
6. Penutup
Demikianlah proposal
permohonanbantuanbiayapendidikanini, agar dapatdijadikanacuandanpertimbanganbagibapak.
Pemohonsangatberharapdenganbantuanbiayapendidikan yang telahpemohonajukanini.
Amin aminyarobbalalamin.
Japang, 24 Mei 2015
Diketahui Pemohon
Drs.Adia Putra RizkiZakwandi
7. Lampiran
Berikutinipemohonsertakanbeberapasurat /
lampiransebagaibahanpertimbanga :
Foto copy kartukeluarga
Foto copy SKTM
Kartutandapeserta SPAN-PTKIN
Daftarnamasantridarulfunun yang lulus SPAN-PTKIN
Sunday, 3 August 2014
motivation story
There are two students at a school board down, let's just say his name popo and toto. Popo sit at senior hight school of science and sochial that students have the skills in everybody field of study. 1 winner physicist, two mathematical, chemical 3, 4 biology, history 5, 6 quran hadith, tafsir 7, 8 B. English, Arabic 9 B, 10 Hadith. While sitting toto d grade 12 ips that each student also has the
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